The LEDS insignia.

Instructional Continuity Planning

很难相信就在一周前,一切还如常. This week, along with a growing number of academic institutions, 火博体育正在为可能通过远程教学来结束学年做准备. LEDS is in the process of leveraging our resources, 与同行协商并规划机会,以帮助火博体育的教师迎接这一挑战.

led将很快与一系列的机会和资源联系,供您参考,以决定如果实现这一目标,您将如何进行. We will do our best to maintain a running list of available webinars and learning opportunities 你可能想要参与,从你在其他机构的同事那里收集一些见解和经验. 亲眼看到高等教育界如何齐心协力解决这一问题是非常有益的.


1. Consider realistic goals for continuing instruction: 你认为在这段时间里你能实际完成什么? 你认为你能保持原来的教学大纲和时间表吗? 你是否希望学生们能跟上阅读进度,完成一些作业来增加结构和问责性? 你只是想让他们以某种方式参与到课程内容中吗?

2. Review your course schedule to determine priorities: 在中断期间确定你的优先事项——提供讲座, 组织讨论或小组工作的新机会, collecting assignments, etc. 哪些活动最好重新安排,哪些可以或必须在网上完成? Give yourself a little flexibility in that schedule, 以防问题解决的时间比你想象的要长.

3. Review your syllabus for points that must change: 你的教学大纲中有哪些内容需要临时更改(政策、截止日期、作业等).)? Since students will also be thrown¬†由于这些变化,他们会感激你提供的细节.

4.†选择你和你的学生熟悉的工具和方法: 尽量使用你和你的学生熟悉的工具和工作流程, and roll out new tools only when absolutely necessary. If a closure is caused by a local crisis, it may be already taxing everyone‚Äôs mental and emotional energy; introducing a lot of new tools and approaches may leave even less energy and attention for learning.

5.¬†Identify your new expectations for students: 你将不得不重新考虑你对学生的一些期望, including participation, communication, and deadlines. As you think through those changes, 请记住这种情况可能对学生产生的影响,Äô满足这些期望的能力, including illness,¬†lack of power/internet connections, 或者访问资源(比如只在校园机器上可用的专业软件). 准备好公平地处理延期或住宿的请求

[感谢,以上建议由 Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning,¬†the¬†Indiana University, Teaching and Learning Center, and Union College, ITS.]

For additional information see our Instructional Continuity During Disruption page.

Upcoming Webinars and Other Resources

Free webinar (Monday, 3/9, 1 to 2pm Central) - 使用现场,在线会议来支持教学的连续性 - by OLC

在线学习联盟(OLC)正在提供火博体育使用在线会议来支持教学连续性的免费网络研讨会. Open to all, but they ask that you register in advance.

Monday March 9, 2020 from 1 to 2pm Central Time  


Resources and recordings:

Recording from March 6, 2020:

向在线学习转变:应急准备 & Instructional Continuity¬†



Panelists: Trish Nolde, Georgia State University, Georges Detiveaux, University of Houston-Downtown, Marlene Johnshoy, University of Minnesota

日期和时间:2020年3月10日,星期二,东部时间4:30 /中部时间3:30 /山地时间2:30 /太平洋时间1:30

Description: 高等教育和K-12教育机构都被要求制定应急计划,以防新冠肺炎大范围爆发. 一个主要的重点是把面对面的课程转变为在线教学, should the situation require temporary campus closures. 本次小组讨论将讨论在您为语言课程和学习中心制定和传达应急计划时需要考虑的关键问题, 以及讨论一系列可能适合您独特学习环境的解决方案. Time for questions by the audience will be provided.

Blackboard logo linking to Blackboard support webpage.


VR icon linking to VR support webpage.

Immersive Learning

Want to explore virtual reality? 火博体育教师正在探索各种各样的应用程序,以扩大课堂和提供独特的学习经验.
3D printing icon linking to 3D printing support webpage.

3D Printing

想了解3D打印作为教学和学习的工具?†或者有一个你想要列入教学大纲的项目? We can help!

Web Design and Digital Scholarship

Want to include web design in your syllabus? Need a professional web presence of your own? Or a special place to host your digital scholarship?
Cloud icon linking to LEDS learning lab support webpage.

Learning Lab

想要主持虚拟演讲者或远程协作? We can assist you in our flexible learning space, 我们总是在探索新的教学技术.

How Do I?

找到问题的答案、有用的文档和高质量的即时教程. 您还可以找到可供公共使用和安装在您的个人计算机上的软件.




M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm


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