
This showcase provides news reporters with a concise description of faculty expertise in topical subjects, video 和 audio clips when available 和 additional resources, 比如社交媒体链接. Media relations staff 在 Office of Communications 和 Marketing are available to prepare experts for interviews, identify topics of 当前的兴趣和故事构思.


Joowon公园Joowon公园, assistant professor of 人类学, is an expert on issues of citizenship 和 belonging, migration 和 refugee resettlement, violence 和 suffering, 和 political 人类学. His recent published works include “The Gendered Contours of North 朝鲜文 Migration” 和 “I Can Send That Money to My Mo的r: Post-Migration Strategies of North 韩国人.” Park has appeared in South 朝鲜文 media, including YTN, SBS, Yeonhap 新闻, Chosun Ilbo, Kookmin Ilbo 和 Seoul Shinmun. He is a veteran of 的 Republic of Korea Army 和 in 2016 threw 的 ceremonial first pitch for 的 朝鲜文 Baseball World Series.


电话: 518-779-5287
电子邮件: park@townup.net
社交:@Joowonparc (Instagram)


芭芭拉黑芭芭拉黑, professor of 英语, is an expert on issues of nineteenth-century British literature, cultures 和 collections, 的 matter of nation-making, self 和 society 和 的 mechanisms of social belonging. 布莱克是三本书的作者: On Exhibit: Victorians 和 Their Museums, an exploration of what 和 why cultures collect; 他自己的房间, an examination of insider-outsider dynamics 和 cultural belonging in men’s social clubs in nineteenth-century Engl和; 和 伦敦酒店, a mobile work that covers 的mes of luxury 和 transnationalism in gr和 hotels.


电话: 518-580-5154
电子邮件: bblack@townup.net




蒂姆·哈珀蒂姆·哈珀, associate professor 和 associate chair of management 和 business, is an expert on issues of industry structure 和 analysis, innovation, organizational behavior, social identity 在 workplace, athletic leadership 和 social categorization 和成见. Harper’s recent publications include “Case selection: a case for 一种新的方法” 美国管理学杂志 和 “Building a collegiate athletic leadership model for NCAA athletic teams” in 的 International Journal of Sport 和 社会.


电话: 518-580-5111

Jordana Dym

Jordana DymJordana Dym, professor of history 和 的 director of 的 John B. 摩尔的纪录片 Studies Collaborative (MDOCS), is an expert on issues of Latin America, 的 history of cartography, public history 和 documentary storytelling. Dym最近的出版物 包括这本书 Mapping Latin America: A Cartographic Reader 还有日记 中美洲, for which she served as editor for five years. 她曾担任首任董事 of documentary studies (MDOCS) 和 的 Skidmore-Saratoga Memory Project since 2014 和 created 的 Storytellers’ Institute documentary forum 和 festival.


电话: 518-580-5272
电子邮件:jdym@townup.net社会:@cartohist (Twitter)


安德鲁•林德纳安德鲁•林德纳, associate professor of sociology, is an expert on issues of mass media, journalism in democratic societies, sociology of sport 和 的 intersection of politics 流行文化. Lindner’s recent publications include “Editorial Gatekeeping 在公民新闻中 新媒体 & 社会 和 “How Movies with a Female Presence Fare with Critics” in 同事.


电话: 518-580-5446
电子邮件:alindner@townup.net社交:@lindno (Twitter)

Jeffrey Segrave

Jeffrey SegraveJeff Segrave, professor of health 和 human physiological sciences, is an expert in 的 socio-cultural analysis of sport; hence Segrave employs an inter-disciplinary approach that studies sport at 的 intersections of history, literature 和 sociology. Segrave’s particular areas of interest are 的 Olympic Games, sport in comic strips 还有网球文学. Segrave has most recently published 在 国际漫画艺术杂志, 奥林匹克历史杂志International Journal of Sport 和 社会.


电话: 518-580-5388

伊丽莎F. 肯特

伊莱扎肯特伊丽莎F. 肯特 is a professor 和 current chair of religious studies at 火博体育大学. 肯特 teaches, researches 和 maintains expertise on issues of South Asian religions, religion 和 ecology, gender 和 sexuality 和 religious pluralism in India 和 its side effects, especially religious conversion. 肯特最近出版的作品包括 这本书 Sacred Groves 和 Local Gods: Religion 和 Environmentalism in South India 和 “Convenience, Consumption 和 Creatureliness: Thoughts on Sacred Groves, Hindu 和“基督教徒” 印度教-基督教研究杂志.


电话: 518-580-5733


克里斯多夫曼Chris 曼恩 is an assistant professor of political science at 火博体育大学. 曼恩 teaches, researches 和 maintains expertise on issues of elections, voting reform, campaigns, politics 和 media, political communication 和 campaign advertising. 曼氏 recent publications include research on pre-election day voting, voter mobilization, 的 effects of political conventions 和 public opinion. 他的研究成果已经发表 在 政治杂志, 政治分析, 政治行为 和 o的r peer-reviewed academic journals.


电话: 518-580-5237
手机: 518-431-9944
电子邮件: cmann@townup.net


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